Certification Process
The purpose of this page is to guide the medical residency application process for the International Medical Graduates (IMG) from Azerbaijan.
Definition: IMG designation is not based on visa or citizenship status of the applicant but dependent on accreditation of medical school that the applicant attended. These schools are accredited by LCME in USA and CANADA.
Essential Requirements in Order to Apply for a Residency Training Position:
ECFMG Certification
USMLE Step 1
Visit The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) website to start the certification process. Certification must be submitted prior to applying to USMLE Exams and must be completed for residency application process.
Azerbaijani medical schools that are eligible for ECGMG certification:
Medical Education Credential Requirements:
Physician’s medical school and graduation year are listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (as above)
IMGs are awarded credit for at least four credit years of medical school
Documentation for completion of all credits and receipt of a final medical diploma
Final medical school transcripts
Certification Process:
The first part of the certification process starts when you apply to ECFMG for a USMLE/ ECFMG identification number. Once you obtain this number, you can use it to complete the application for ECFMG certification. Once you submit your application for certification, you may apply for examination.
Medical students and graduates can begin the certification process. Because one of the requirements of certification is the verification of your medical school diploma, you cannot complete the process until you have graduated. You can apply for the required examinations as soon as you meet the examination eligibility requirements. All of the required examinations are offered throughout the year.
According to ECFMG Website:
To be certified by ECFMG, an IMG must meet both examination and medical education credential requirements. These requirements include passing performance on medical science and clinical skills examinations—USMLE Step 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), and Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) are the exams currently administered that satisfy these requirements—and primary-source verification of the IMG’s medical education credentials, including the final medical diploma, final medical school transcript, and transcript(s) to document transferred academic credits.
Please visit ECFMG link regarding the steps that are taken in authorizing the applicant's medical school training credentials.
Once the applicant has met the requirements set forth by the ECFMG, then he or she can start the application process. Residency application is done through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®). ECFMG coordinates the ERAS application process.
The Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database Access (FREIDA®) offers an interactive database of various residency programs.
For succesfull application:
Have 3-4 letters of recommendations from physicians that you have interacted with in USA
Strong Personal Statement
240+ Step 1 and Step 2 CK board scores (varies across specialties)
Research Experience